Sharon Doris
by on February 15, 2025

The small white square indicates a Rune Slot on that piece of gear. If an item has the word "Superior" in its title (which doesn't have to be identified), it means it has Quality. You can also hover over item drops to Path of exile currency see if they have Rune Slots or Quality in the description.


You Get Six Portals For Every Map - Use 'em Or Lose 'em.


In the endgame, when you activate a Waystone for a map on the Atlas, six portals will appear around you in the Ziggurat Refuge. Each portal represents one time you can use a Town Portal to Path of exile currency for sale return to the Refuge - a chance to refresh your Flasks and Charms, clean inventory space, and re-tool your build for the challenges of the map.


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