How To Complete A Feather On The Scale
First, speak to Raheir and show him the helmet that came with the letter, then head to the Toxic Fens in Hawezar to Diablo 4 Items begin your search for Subo. You can use the Vyeresz Waypoint if you have it unlocked, otherwise, the Backwater Waypoint is the second closest.
Either way, head to the Toxic Fens. When you get close enough to the quest objective, it will turn into an area marker; search around here for Subo, who should be located near the top right of the area, to the right of the nearby Lilith Statue.
Talk to Subo to learn about his plan, then enter the Smuggler's Bunker immediately to the left. Inside, find and talk to Subo, then defend him from three waves of Bandits as he interrogates his captive. Speak with Subo again, then head to the Windswept Altar for the next part of the quest.
From the Smuggler's Bunker, travel to the west towards the Windswept Altar, then talk to Subo and listen to his plan. Then, head inside the Windswept Altar.
In this dungeon, fight off the groups of Bandit enemies as you proceed towards the depths. As far as dungeons go, this one is fairly straightforward. When you reach the deepest point, approach the boss then watch the cutscene.
Now fight off the final boss of the Windswept Altar, Avashtha, Malformed Serpent. This enemy fires spiraling globs of poison and creates bloody clones of itself that deal damage in lines to their front. Watch out for the danger indicators and use your dodge and mobility skills to avoid taking damage.
Once the boss is dead, return to the entrance of the dungeon, then talk to Diablo IV Items for sale Subo again to complete the quest. Now, when you return to the Den, you'll have the option of bringing along Subo as your Mercenary.